Your naturopath will most likely have you fill out a very thorough history and intake form prior to your first visit. Usually, they will request you also bring any recent bloodwork and medical imaging you may have.
The first visit consists of information gathering and piecing together all the aspects of your condition and how it has impacted you, your day to day life as well as your family and friends. All of these pieces are integral to understanding you as a person who happens to have a health problem. There will be goal setting and taking the time to prioritize all of the changes you would like to make. These steps are necessary to lay the foundations for a treatment plan that leads to lasting change and addresses all aspects of you and your lifestyle - your body, mind and spirit. The initial visit can include a focused physical exam depending on your presenting complaint. You will most likely be sent home with recommendations, and the task of monitoring your behaviours and paying attention to how these impact whatever symptoms you are experiencing. Your naturopath may start you on a dietary, herbal or supplement protocol depending on the presenting complaints.
Your initial visit can last between 60 to 90 minutes depending on the complaint and on the style of the naturopathic practitioner.
Subsequent visits will involve screening physical exams and possibly further laboratory testing as needed. Following this, your naturopathic doctor will present you with a comprehensive treatment plan and recommendations. The therapies and recommendations will be based on naturopathic modalities and will focus on implementing long lasting healthy behaviours. The goal is, to prevent further illness and help you feel at your best.
Follow-up visits generally last 30 - 45 minutes. You may be asked to return once a week for the first 2-3 appointments. Subsequent visits are usually 3 weeks to one month apart, depending on the condition, therapeutic modality and your needs.
“It is more important to know what kind of person has a disease than to know what kind of disease a person has.” - Hippocrates